Retreat Details

Why Attend?

What if you could . . .

Interact with other men just as excited as you are over their walks with Jesus?

Experience the same depth of your man-to-man times over a 3 day period?

Get useful help on a decision or personal issue you are wrestling with?

Retreat to a beautiful, natural setting and spend time alone with God?

Examine God’s truths and get some practical ideas in how to use them?


Arrive: Thursday, 6 to 8 PM (no dinner served).
End: By noon, Sunday.


Beersheba Springs Assembly
524 Armfield Ave.
Beersheba Springs, TN 37305

Office: 931-692-3669


Comfortable motel rooms with 2 beds and a bath (two men per room).

What to Bring:

  • Casual and sports clothes
  • Bible
  • Notebook
  • Pen/pencil
  • Ear plugs
  • Memory verses
  • Desire to learn and grow



Registration Deadline: March 25.

NOTE: Please do not let money be the reason you do not attend. Pay what you can afford. Others give to help. If you could donate to the scholarship fund, that would be fantastic!